3 Steps to Success with Linkedin
Last week Wednesday, our guest speaker Emma Cox, from the Cox Consultancy, shared valuable hints, tips and information to help leverage LinkedIn to grow your business network?
Here are some of the Top Tips.
Top Tips
Become an All Star
So what does it take to achieve a perfect All-Star profile status?
- Have a profile photo
- Include your industry and location
- Update your current position along with a description
- Contain at least two past positions
- Insert your education details
- List a minimum of 3 skills
- Have at least 50 connections in your network
Linkedin Tags
Make use of LinkedIn tags: create your own so you know where you met someone and what you want to do with them in future.
Make Connections
If you want to get into a certain organisation or connect with a particular person then check LinkedIn to see who you know in common, you may be surprised by how your networks overlap.
LinkedIn will show you 2nd (directly connected to you) and 3rd connections (your connections’ connections). Ask to be connected with your connections’ connections and remember to thank your connection for their assistance.
LinkedIn changes to mobile app
Three great new features in the LinkedIn mobile app to allow you to control, save and search LinkedIn.
Finally remember to ensure you have a good quality, recognisable head and shoulder where you are smiling and looking over your left shoulder. People process images faster than they process words.
See you on the 14th December for our Festive Networking and Collaboration.
CLICK HERE to book your place.
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