Starting a new business is a challenge no matter who you are. During early conceptions of a business there will always be obstacles to overcome, whether that be; financial, general deadlines or just common stresses of the all-consuming task list of “things to do.” But are any of these aspects harder depending on your gender? Well apparently so!
Here’s us thinking that discrimination of females in the business world is a concept of the past, a myth to be left in the 50’s; but it seems it hasn’t diminished completely.
There is an increasing amount of skepticism in the media around the challenges that females face when kick-starting a business alone, compared to men. With new case studies popping up and new said challenges that are arising year on year, is there any truth behind them? Are they just confidence lackluster’s stopping us females from succeeding? (Yes!)
According to Business News Daily’s 2015 Article, 6 Challenges Women Entrepreneurs Face (and How to Overcome Them), the said biggest struggles for female entrepreneurs or business starters are:
* Utilizing connections
* Being decisive
* Access to funding
* Lack of funding
* The expectation to succeed in everything
* Time management
* Fear of success
Are these issues even gender specific? (We don’t think so!)
So, at B Consultancy, we want to set the record straight and shed light on the truth by highlighting the real struggles that women may face and top tips to triumph, when starting up your own business.
We caught up with former client and kick-ass, female boss herself, Anne Akin (Artistic Director of Harts Theatre Company), to get her advice on the struggles she encountered when building her self-made empire…
“Janice taught me the business. Without her help, I was just an actress with no idea how to grow my ideas into a successful business. She’s great!”
About Anne Akin:
Having built her own empire as a young, black, female, we couldn’t think of anyone better to give advice for young, female, entrepreneurs and business women wanting to build their own business and #helplearngrow.
Anne is a professional actress, writer, choreographer, director and workshop facilitator (did we also mention BEFFTA award winner?) She launched the LOST Young Company in September 2012. Now called LOST HARTS Young Company, run by Harts Theatre Company (HTC) and funded by Young Lambeth Coop, this group and agency helps young people start their careers in acting without discrimination or financial restrictions. If that wasn’t quite enough, she launched Normal? Education, a theatre workshop for young people aged 11-24 with mental illness.
We asked Anne the truth about what challenges she faced in her industry and how over the years, she has faired against the 7 biggest struggles said to be plaguing female business starters…
Watch our video interview with the lovely lady herself, below:
Our final thoughts:
Struggles in starting up your own business are very much tailored to you as an individual, therefore will differ for each person, not relative to gender. We can’t cure every struggle, but here is some advice we can give….
We asked B Consultancy Director, Janice, in her experience, what her top tips specific to female business owners would be?
Janice’s Top Tips:
- It’s important to believe in yourself, your business and your vision.
- Invest in personal development, it will help you to create a right mindset for your business.
- Do, Dump, Delegate, learn to manage your time and not allow your time to manage you.
- Business is business, you have to take an impartial view of your business and develop a thick skin regarding feedback.
- Surround yourself with positive people, role models, mentors to help you in your journey.
- Celebrate your success, it’s important to reflect and reward yourself when you accomplish an achievement. Regardless how small you feel it may be.
Liked this post? Feel like you need further help to #learnhelpgrow your business, Contact B Consultancy and we will be happy to help!
Written By: Charly Phillips
Charly is degree educated, published , freelance writer, (author, poet, screenwriter, and music journalist for Bring The Noise UK) and all round female boss herself. Her company Ink Explosion, specialises in helping you add value to your social media, develop your online content and assists in all creative and media needs. Contact her here.