Networking can be really daunting for even the most confident of people, let alone if you tend to be shy!
There’s so much pressure riding on conversations with strangers.
You have to sell yourself and there’s always that phrase ‘ in the back of our minds that you have 30 seconds to make an impression!’
What if you stumble on your words, or actually stumble and fall in front of everyone (We have actually done that!)
Well guess what? It doesn’t matter. Literally pick yourself up and try again.
Networking should be all about being yourself. You representing your business.
People buy people first so let your personality shine through.
If the thought of networking still gives you sweaty palms and heart palpitations then fear not, Janice is here with her #TuesdayTopTips to steer you in the right direction.
Janice’s #TopTips:
- If you are new to networking attend with a buddy.
- Go with a purpose – be strategic with your choice, does the event match your business profile?
- Never make sales in the room. Your aim is to do business through the room.
- When you meet someone of interest, recommend you meet for coffee to find out more about what they do.
- You have two ears and one mouth, use them in proportion. Listen to what people have to say. Show interest.
- Actively listen
- If you say you are going to make a recommendation or connect an individual. Keep to your word and follow up within 24 hours.
- Relax smile and move around the room, don’t stay rooted to one spot, be approachable.
Fancy practicing these skills in a friendly environment? Come to our next #StepUpAndGrow event on 14th June. Bok here.
Cant make that date? No problem! Join mailing list for future dates, updates and tips.
Want to prep before? A good book for networking we recommend is the The Jelly Effect by Andy Bounds.
Do something that scares you everyday and if that’s networking now you can face that fear head on with confidence and get results!
Written By: Charly Phillips